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Office hours

are Monday and Thursday.


ALL new patients, please call or email me directly to book the initial assessment.


Thank you!


Suzanne Chenier, BScPT



Postural Reconstruction®

I have been working as a physiotherapist since 1988. I decided to switch into biological sciences when I was first introduced to the profession at College. I was an avid soccer player and competed at a high level and so thought I would eventually work in sports physio. However, I was so puzzled by the clients who did not get better in the manner that the textbooks outlined, that I sought to understand some why's - why stretching and strengthening did not improve a client's pain. I have specifically dedicated my professional practice to the method of Postural Reconstruction since 1995 as I have found that this technique fills in the gaps for those for whom stretching and strengthening are unsatisfactory.

Loosen up to straighten up!


  • ​Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
  • Diploma in Postural Reconstruction awarded by the Continuing Education Department of Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France 
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